Grow Up Today and Support each other
Music & Storytelling in prisons

What is GUTS?
Our Objectives
Through an innovative approach we want to develop a method that will help to reduce reoffending under young offenders. We want to help them to set targets for their future and hand them tools to become better and more active citizens.
The basic idea of the project is simple, we will use rap music and storytelling as a tool to communicate with our target group and as a language for them to formulate their ideas and goals.
GUTS Rap Festival
On 15th April 2024 we organised the GUTS international Rap Festival in Oslo, at Jessheim vgs with 15 videos participating, from 5 countries!
It was a great success and the winner was MONSTER INSIDE, a music video from Dendermonde prison in Belgium!
Benchmark Report
Practice and methodologies on storytelling and rap music
Co-building indicators and criteria to compare experiences
The Rap Festival
An online international Rap festival for young offenders
Storytelling Toolkit
A database of ready workshops scenarios
Recommendations & Guidelines
Suggestions on how to make the project replicable in other countries
GUTS is an Erasmus+ project – Number: 2021-1-NO01-KA220-ADU-000026560
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